Cole L. Harwood



Cole L. Harwood was born in Wisconsin January 28, 1866. He was educated in the public schools of Michigan and the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor). In 1889 he began law practice in Texas, remaining there until 1895. He went to New York City where he practice law until 1907 in which year he came to Nevada. In 1893 he was married to Miss Helen Atkins, also a graduate Michigan University. In Texas, Judge Harwood organized and acted as first president of the Texas Society Sons of the Revolution. In Reno he was active in tennis clubs, and was a long-time Mason, Knight Templar, Nevada State Bar Association and Episcopal Church. He was appointed to District Judge of the 2nd district to succeed Judge Orr who had resigned January 1, 1913. He resigned from the judgeship April 6, 1914. He was the father of two children, Alice, born 1902 and Paul born 1899. Paul Harwood was an English professor at the University of Nevada and an Oxford (Rhodes Scholarship) graduate.

Second Judicial District Court
75 Court St.
Reno, Nevada, 89501