Jury Commissioner's Office

Jury Service Scam Alert

NOTIFICATION The Second Judicial District Court Jury Commissioner's Office and the Washoe County Sheriff's Office DO NOT issue citations to individuals who fail to appear for jury service. Additionally, neither of these entities will call and request monetary fines for failure to appear for jury service. If you receive a solicitation for payment, please contact the Washoe County Sheriff's Office at 775-785-WCSO (9276).

NOTIFICACIÓN La Oficina del Comisionado de Jurados del Tribunal del Segundo Distrito Judicial y la Oficina del Alguacil del Condado de Washoe NO emiten censuras a personas que no se presentan para el servicio de jurado. Además, ninguna de estas entidades llamará para solicitar el pago de multas por incomparecencia en el servicio de jurado. Si usted recibe una solicitud de pago, por favor comuníquese con la Oficina del Alguacil del Condado de Washoe al 775-785-WCSO (9276).

In Washoe County you will receive a jury summons, it is a questionnaire, you are asked to complete it and return it in an envelope provided by the Jury Commissioner's Office. If you are ever unsure if a summons is authentic, please call the Jury Commissioner's Office at 775-328-3153, we can verify you are being summoned for jury service by a six or seven digit number on the jury summons itself.

Please be aware the Second Judicial District Court is a state court. The U.S. District Court, a federal court, also summons jurors. If you have been summoned to the U.S. District Court, please call 686-5614.