Detailed Case Information - GR18-00388

Case Description: GR18-00388 - GUARD: NETTIE RAVAREAU (D7)

Filing Date: 12/03/2018


Status: Disposed Final

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Case Parties

Seq No. Type Name
5 CAA - Court Appointed Attorney Evans, Esq., Lisa
7 PP - Protected Person RAVAREAU, NETTIE L.
12 DA - District Attorney Hollandsworth, Esq., Stephan J.
13 GRDN - Guardian Public Guardian, Washoe County

Reference Numbers

No Cross Reference Numbers Available

Event Information

Date/Time Hearing Judge Event Description Outcome
1. 03/02/2020 at 3:00 PM Honorable EGAN WALKER S1 - Request for Submission
S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 03/06/2020
2. 03/02/2020 at 3:00 PM Honorable EGAN WALKER S2 - Request for Submission
S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 03/06/2020
3. 02/14/2020 at 9:30 AM Honorable EGAN WALKER HP28 - FINAL ACCT/PET/TERM/GDSHP
D425 - Granted filed on: 02/14/2020
4. 02/05/2019 at 1:29 PM Honorable EGAN WALKER S1 - Request for Submission
S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 02/08/2019
5. 02/01/2019 at 11:15 AM Honorable EGAN WALKER H844 - TRIAL - NON JURY
D425 - Granted filed on: 02/01/2019
6. 01/25/2019 at 9:30 AM Honorable EGAN WALKER HP6 - PET/APPT/GDN/ADULT
D445 - Heard - Continued filed on: 01/25/2019

Docket Entry Information

Docket Description Date Filed
1. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/06/2020
2. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/06/2020
3. 1535 - Decree of Discharge 03/06/2020
4. F280 - Guard: Death 03/06/2020
5. 2530 - Notice of Entry of Decree 03/06/2020
6. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/03/2020
7. MIN - ***Minutes 03/03/2020
8. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/02/2020
9. 3860 - Request for Submission 03/02/2020
10. 3860 - Request for Submission 03/02/2020
11. 1270 - Application ... 03/02/2020
12. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/02/2020
13. 1015 - Acknowledgment of Receipt 02/26/2020
14. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/26/2020
15. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/24/2020
16. 2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 02/24/2020
17. 3265 - Ord Terminate Guardianship 02/14/2020
18. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/14/2020
19. 1395 - Citation To Appear 12/23/2019
20. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/23/2019
21. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/23/2019
22. 1067 - Affidavit/Declaration of Service 12/23/2019
23. 3640 - Pet to Terminate ... 12/09/2019
24. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/09/2019
25. COC - Evidence Chain of Custody Form 08/15/2019
26. 4080 - Suggestion of Death on Record 08/07/2019
27. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/07/2019
28. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/02/2019
29. 2610 - Notice ... 08/02/2019
30. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/30/2019
31. 2610 - Notice ... 07/30/2019
32. 2610 - Notice ... 07/26/2019
33. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/26/2019
34. 2610 - Notice ... 07/08/2019
35. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/08/2019
36. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/03/2019
37. 2610 - Notice ... 07/03/2019
38. 2610 - Notice ... 06/12/2019
39. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/12/2019
40. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/10/2019
41. 2610 - Notice ... 06/10/2019
42. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/04/2019
43. 3870 - Request 06/04/2019
44. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/22/2019
45. 2610 - Notice ... 05/22/2019
46. 2610 - Notice ... 05/13/2019
47. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/13/2019
48. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/09/2019
49. 2610 - Notice ... 05/09/2019
50. 1910 - Letters of Guardianship 04/23/2019
51. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/23/2019
52. 2610 - Notice ... 04/22/2019
53. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/22/2019
54. 1820 - Inventory Appraisement&Record 04/11/2019
55. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/11/2019
56. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/03/2019
57. MIN - ***Minutes 04/03/2019
58. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/15/2019
59. 1067 - Affidavit/Declaration of Service 03/15/2019
60. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/22/2019
61. 1910 - Letters of Guardianship 02/22/2019
62. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/22/2019
63. 2526 - Notice of Change of Attorney 02/22/2019
64. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/13/2019
65. 1356 - Certificate of Mailing 02/13/2019
66. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/12/2019
67. 2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 02/12/2019
68. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/11/2019
69. 2606 - Notice of NICS Firearms Restriction 02/11/2019
70. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/08/2019
71. 2720 - Ord Appt Guardian-Estate+Persn 02/08/2019
72. F275 - Bench N/J/T Judgment Reached 02/08/2019
73. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/05/2019
74. 3860 - Request for Submission 02/05/2019
75. 1695 - ** Exhibit(s) ... 02/01/2019
76. MIN - ***Minutes 01/30/2019
77. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/30/2019
78. 2610 - Notice ... 01/24/2019
79. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/24/2019
80. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/17/2019
81. 1520 - Declaration 01/17/2019
82. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/14/2019
83. 1520 - Declaration 01/14/2019
84. 2610 - Notice ... 01/11/2019
85. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/11/2019
86. 1520 - Declaration 01/08/2019
87. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/08/2019
88. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/04/2019
89. 1356 - Certificate of Mailing 01/04/2019
90. 2520 - Notice of Appearance 12/18/2018
91. GRRI - Guardianship Required Information Sheet 12/18/2018
92. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/18/2018
93. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/13/2018
94. 1520 - Declaration 12/13/2018
95. 2520 - Notice of Appearance 12/06/2018
96. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/06/2018
97. 2715 - Ord Appointing Counsel 12/05/2018
98. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/05/2018
99. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/05/2018
100. 1395 - Citation To Appear 12/05/2018
101. 3440 - Pet Appoint Guardian-Adult No$ 12/03/2018
The District Court is comprised of 16 departments. Each Judge sits in a differently numbered Department. When a Judge leaves service, the new Judge's name replaces the former Judge's name on all matters pending and previously closed in that department. This change will not reflect that a previous sitting Judge presided over a matter.